False God

Just What Is a False God???
A false god is any god other than God as described in the Bible. This god can be just about anything, from a statue to money to a living person. Anything that is given the highest worship of a person is a false god. Any god that is different than God Himself is a false god, and there are many in the world today. The list and descriptions of false gods that pervade the world today are nearly endless.. Money is one of these.. Power and fame are also false gods of this post-modern era. Another false god of this information-age is materialism. If the neighbors have the latest fashion or techie toy, then it seems we just have to have them, too, and better. Further is the growing trend of credit card debt, which, in the technologically advanced nations especially, has skyrocketed in the last 30 years alone. Sex, as well, is another god of this world that, though having been around for a long time, is more and more popular than ever. As with materialism, advertisements in today’s media outlets have focused more and more towards the sensual, these ads directed at younger and younger ages as well. As you can see, false gods of this day and age abound, and it seems that they are everywhere, each calling for people’s allegiance and worship. However, really all of these are basically lesser deities of the most popular false god…

Lookin’ Out for #1!
The most popular false god in the world today is self. The false god of self can be found in just about every corner of the world, every society, and every culture, and it knows no bounds. If we take a serious look at our post-modern, information-age world, we can easily see that selfishness and satisfying self is the most popular false god in the world today. If one were to look at the majority of crimes today, it would be easy to see that all of these crimes were undertaken to please the false god of self in one way or another.

If You’re Not Serving God, You’re Serving……
(1st Corinthians) Anyone who chooses to follow the false god of self, or any of its lesser forms, is really serving the devil. The Bible makes no bones about the truth that to serve a false god or an idol is to follow the devil, and to be under his control. Just as the false god of self takes many forms, so too does the devil. The devil is so clever in his disguises that he can even take on the form of something that looks good and godly (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15) Such is the same today for anyone who worships a false god. The devil and his fallen angels are really behind every false god, and when it is brought into someone’s life and home, disaster is sure to strike. 

The Danger of Idolatry and Serving False Gods.
Along with the problems mentioned above that we are seeing with the worship of the various false gods of today’s world, worldwide alcoholism, drug use and abuse, suicide, violent crime, war, and terrorism are also on the rise. With these problems come mental and emotional illness, depression, despair, hopelessness, and fear of the future. All of these have sharply risen worldwide for the last few decades, and the Bible states that it will only get worse before it gets better.

If the answers to these questions are in the affirmative, then only trouble will come for you, and the tragic part of this is, serving an idol will hurt your children, your descendants. Many of the problems being experienced in the modern, technologically advanced nations in the world today with regards to children and disobedience, crime, sexual activity, and delinquency can be traced to the fact that their parents have served a false god and an idol (usually self). If you are serving a false god, you are placing yourself, and your present and/or future children at grave risk. Turn from the false gods and idols of this world, and turn to Jesus Christ. Only he can save and give you the peace, assurance, and salvation you desire. Only Jesus can give you the fulfilment in life, and the everlasting peace that your soul craves. Turn to Jesus Christ today!!

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